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Educatief Internet-Magazine over historie van familie Klercq en duurzame mandenmakerscultuur
The jolly cars of FIAT
The jolly cars of FIAT
The FIAT 500 was introduced in 1957 as a successor to the Topolino (Italian for mouse). The designer was Dante Giacosa, a designer who would become an automotive legend for his contribution to the industry. The FIAT 500 was a two-seater, rear engine, utility car that was built as an economical means of transportation void of luxery items or sports-car intentions. It featured a 479cc overhead valve engine mated to a four speed gearbox. With 13 horsepower, the FIAT 500 never set any land speed records. It had a top speed of 85 km/h. The succesful FIAT Topolino, with suicide wind catching doors
The FIAT 600 Jolly was introduced in 1957-1958. The coachwork is a concept by Ghia. Carrozzeria Ghia Spa. was established in 1915 in Turino, Italy and was noted for their famous Italian design and coachbuilding firms. The Jolly is noted for its canvas surrey top and wicker seats. The FIAT Jolly was marketed for resort areas and used for sight-seeing. This remarkeble funny car has a top speed of about 60 mph, just as much as the spin-off of the FIAT 500, 85 km/h
The Jolly Fiat 500 with fringed canvas roof and wicker seats are seldom to see on the road today.
With a cost of nearly as double of a standard "500," they were made in a very limited production. It is believed that fewer than 100 exist today, each one being unique. 32 Jolly cars were used as taxis on the island of Catalina off the coast of Los Angeles in the USA in the years 1958-1962. Featuring wicker seats and the option of a fringed top to shield its occupants from the sun, these cars were originally made for use on large yachts of the wealthy. Aristoles Onassis and Jacky Kennedy owned one. The American version of the Jolly Fiat 500 Ghia
The original FIAT 600 Multipla were based on a FIAT 600's drivetrain. Model 1100 coil and wishbone independent front suspension, and sat 6 people in a footprint just 50 cm longer than the original Mini Cooper. The driver compartment was moved forward over the front axle. elimating the boot in effect but giving the body a very minivan-like "one-box" look. Behind the front seat the vehicle could be arranged with a flat floor area or a choice of one or two bench seats. Until the 1970's this car was widely used as a taxi in many parts of Italy, as well as in Poland, where a similar type was produced
In 1956 Pininfarina designed a remarkable open topped Multipla prototype called the "Marinella" with wooden slat wraparound bench in the rear. Later on re-designed in wicker seating. This Multipla was also marketed as a resort and sight-seeing car. A few has been produced. Nowadays it wil be one of the classic cars, just as the Jolly, who many would like to have to make a wonderful drive with.
FIAT Mulipla 600 produced in Poland as taxis, The FIAT Multpla Marinella designed by Pininfarina
Naast deze succesvolle weblog Le Cercle Klercq, bestaat ook de zustersite 't clijnParadijs. Hier treft u ook leuke verhalen aan, foto's van schitterende streekklederdracht en recepten voor heerlijke Zeeuwse gerechten en snoepjes. S.v.p. ga naar; Ik wens u veel lees- en kijkplezier Bookmarket at the Marketplace every year
In addition to these succesfull blog Le Cercle Klercq, excists the sistersite "t clijn Paradijs (In Little Paradise) Here you will find also nice stories, photo's of local Zeelandian costums and recipes for delicious food and candies. Please, just click on I wish you joyfull reading, or watching pictures Les belle charme des costumes Zélandais
Neben diesen erfolgreichen Blog Le Cercle Klercq, excistiert die Schwester Site 't clijn Paradijs (Das Kleines Paradies) Hier finden Sie erhohlende Geschichten, Foto's von Zeeland, Trachten und Rezepten für leckere Gerichten Bitte bezuchen Sie; Viel Spass beim Lesen und Geniessen Sie den Foto's Who is mein Geld ? Where is my money? Où est mon argent?
En plus de ces succes le Blog Le Cercle Klercq, est le site soeur 't clijn Paradijs (Le Petite Paradis) Ici vous trouverez de belles histoires, des photos de costumes historique locaux, et des recettes délicieuses de cuisine Zèlandais S.v.p. cliquez à Bonne lecture et à regarder les photo's magnifique Le belvedère de Maison 's Hertogenbosch
Top designer from the Phillipines, Kenneth Cobonpue
Kenneth Cobonpue, born 1968 Cebu City, the Phillipines is an industral, furniture designer who is best known for his unique style, using natural forms with rattan, bamboo, buri and abaca. Kenneth Cobonpue
His youngest creative talent was developed at his mother's furniture factory at Cebu City, it was the start of a dazzling carreer. Cobonpue is project and furniture designer for filmsets, exclusive hotels and holiday resorts. He also is the favorite designer for many Hollywood stars. Brad Pitt bought a Lolah cocoonbed after a visit at Cobonpue's showroom in Los Angelos. Kenneth's remarkeble furniture is used in films and televison serials, such as Ocean 11, and the remake of Total Recall. He was assigned to decorate Ninoy Aquino International Airport and Mactan-Cebu International Airport. Presentation of Bloom chair, Chiquita tabouret, Lolah chair, Cloud lamp by Hive
In the late eighties he studied industrial design at the Pratt Institute of Design in New York. After been graduated Kenneth travelled to Europe to gaine more experience in designing. In Germany and Italy he found work as a teacher at various schools and workshops. In 1994 he moved to the United States to find an appointment at one of the large design studios. Two years later in 1996, troubled by lack of work he returned to the Phillipines Yoda serie of. dining chairs, sofa's, tabourette's, table's and accessories
Back home, full of new ideas, he took over the leadership of his mother's factory at the age of 28 years. He changed the policy of the firm, that at those times was recognized by manufacturing traditional rattan home-furniture. The swing to experimental new designs was a breaktrough, with his collection of Yin-Yang. The beds and chairs of this collection were made of rattan strips on steelframes and wickerwork with round and square forms. The experimental Phoenix Car
An other much praised collection was a range of furniture he called the Lolah-collection, where Cobonpue used traditional techniques of local shipbuilding. In this serie he experimented with rattan to the most flexibilty of the material, what he shaped to sensual forms. This also, brought him to the idea to design an enviromental friendly car, ofcourse in the basic material of rattan in combination with automotive technques. The Phoenix Car, Chiquita tabouret, Dragnet Chair, the Noodle Lamp
At exhibitions all around the world, Cobonpue made a remarkeble statement with this car. Many international glossy magazines wrote about this experimental vehicle for short distances. His name was worldwide settled among wellknown designers. He proved that rattan is a natural material with unexpectable applications, not seen before. Dragnet Chairs in red, well fitting at a swimmingpool
Kenneth Cobonpue received several international awards. In France, at the HongKong Design Centre and the Singapare International Furniture Design, he won first prizes. A number of his designs were choosen for three consecutive editions of the leading International Design Yearbook. Great fame he achieved with the Voyage-collection, including the Cocoon-shaped beds. With the Opera petsofa he created furore again. Inspirated by The Sydney Operahouse, dog-lovers buy it by hunderds in Hollywood. The Operetta Dogsofa
The Phillipines, Panglao Island, for tourists a tropical paradise
Panglao is an island in the Phillipines located southwest of the islands of Bohol and east of Cebu. Currently Panglao is one of the top tourist destinations in the Phillipines, famous for its beautiful dive spots, as well as many several islet ideal for beach bathing at Gak-ang and Pontod. The island Cebu is the centre of industry in producing bamboo furniture
Where Bamboo comes from Bamboo is the Malaysian name for a large number of plant varieties, that a tribe forms of grass species. The stems consist of dence parallel fiber bundles; they are hollow inside and at regular distances interrupted by growingknots of leaves or branches. Most bamboo flourish rarely, some annually, other species are blooming not more than every three years. Bamboo is one of the fastest growing plants, the stem can grow from a few millimeters to 25-30 centimeters in diameter and reach a tallness as easely as up to 35 meters.
The plant is found in diverse climates, of cold mountain areas, to hot tropical regions. It spread itselfs mainly underground through their roots in a wide range around the stem. There are certain kinds of bamboo that grows 1 meter a day. This is three times as fast as the fastest growing tree. Bamboo is also the only nourishment for Panda-bears, their lives depend on this plant.
All kinds of applications In recent years, bamboo has become increasingly popular for its applications in garden design, as wel as for interior purposes in western countries. For example for tabletops, parquet, kitchendoors, ceilingssystems. Even in textile, bamboo fibers are used for clothing, just as cotton is applicated for a super-white shirt. Children playes with bamboo toys. Bamboo can be used to strenghten concrete, what's essential in areas where earthquakes occure. Houses of bamboo survive earthquakes better because of the strenghts and flexibilty of the material. Some bamboo plants are raw pulpmaterial for the production of ordinary dailypaper to fine paper for artists.
For less peacefull use, mankind makes weapens, spears for fishing and fishing rods of bamboo since early times. But also musical instruments like panflutes, allready known in Greece times. In China and Japan, bambooflutes belong to their heritage classical music instruments, and in the Indonesian Archipel the music made by an angklung orchestra is a touristical attraction as well.
Bamboo braiding as old as mankind But most of all, bamboo is used for braiding baskets in all kinds, all forms, different sizes, to a wide range of purposses in household, transportation, luxery and artworks. Wickerwork and bambo braiding is as old as mankind, even older than earlierest pottery. The oldest wickerwork found is dated 10.000 years ago.
Valuable bamboo arts In East Asia, the Phillipines, Thailand, Indonesia, China and especially Japan, braiding with bamboo has reached a highly developed level of art. Very refined and delicate of forms, beautiful designed by tradition, Japanese bamboo boxes, baskets etc, are in favour as collector items, of which are paid high prices at the time. A simple basket generate at an auction $600 or up to thousands of dollars.
How to make a nice basket
Raw material, ready for claevage into strips
Cleaving bamboo to strips is a delicate work, experience is essential Making bamboo strips on measure and right thickness for braiding
Nearly ready made basket of bamboo strips, not yet finished Finishing touch by making the top trims, hinges and handle
Price worthy, beautiful hand-basket, varnished, ready for long-time use
Phillipine basket-seller on tour, to sell enviromental friendly products
Ik ben Albert Prins
Ik ben een man en woon in Geleen (Nederland) en mijn beroep is gep. Interieur Architekt.
Ik ben geboren op 06/02/1946 en ben nu dus 79 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Genealogie, Writing. Art Basketmaking.
Write or Call me; 00-31-(0)46-4740641